Mental Health

Mental Health

What is mental health?
It is a state of emotional well-being in which the person is

  • is able to realize their own abilities
  • can cope with normal stresses of life
  • can work productively
  • is able to contribute to their community

Mental Illness in India (Source- National Mental health Survey of India, 2016)

  • At least 13% of India’s population has some mental disorder
  • More than 10% need intervention
  • Every 6th Indian needs mental health care
  • One in every 20 Indian suffers from depression
  • 10% have common mental disorders like anxiety or depression
  • Nearly 2% have severe mental disorders like Schizophrenia or Bipolar disorder
  • Nearly 15 crore people need mental health care but only 3 crore get it or ask for it
  • 3 Psychiatrists per 1,00,000 population in India compared to 6.6 psychiatrists in the developed world
  • $1.24 trillion economic loss estimated between 2012 and 2030 due to mental illnesses

What are the signs of loss of mental health?

  • Sadness, loneliness, frequent irritability, excessive tiredness, lack of interest in life, suicidal thoughts, helplessness, hopelessness about future, worthlessness, guilt, poor sleep and appetite
  • Excessive worry, fearfulness, tension, stress, anxiety, excessive anger, panic attacks, avoidance of people or situations
  • Multiple somatic symptoms without any identified physical cause like backache, muscle aches and pains, tingling numbness in hands and feet, dizziness, palpitations, sweating, etc.
  • Alcohol and substance abuse
  • Persecutory beliefs, hearing voices or seeing things that are not there can be signs of loss of mental health

Who is vulnerable?
Anyone from children to the elderly, irrespective of gender, social status, caste, religion, education, affluence or poverty is susceptible to develop mental health problems.
What can I do I have these problems or if I know someone who has these problems?

  • Reach out, ask for help, talk to someone who you trust- often this is sufficient
  • If still the problems persist, seek help from your family doctor or from a counselor
  • Rarely, you may need to see a Psychiatrist

What help is available at SaiShree Hospital?

  • We pride ourselves in being aware of and sensitive to our patients mental health needs too.
  • You can speak to your doctor or therapist in confidence at SaiShree Hospital about your problems.
  • If you want specialist advice, we also run Psychiatry OPD on Monday, Thursday and Saturday- 9 to 11am.