saishree ivf december january case of the month
saishree ivf december january case of the month

Love, Resilience, and a Little Mirena: The Mendirattas’ Tale of Hope

Love, Resilience, and a Little Mirena: The Mendirattas' Tale of Hope

Pune: After nine years of marriage, Mumbai residents Dinesh (38) and Suman (36) Mendiratta’s dream of starting a family faced unexpected challenges, shedding light on the importance of listening to our bodies and seeking timely medical intervention. The couple’s quest for parenthood took an unexpected turn during a visit to SaiShree Hospital in Pune to explore options for conceiving. 

Incidentally, Suman, who had been relying only on medication to manage her severe menstrual bleeding, reached a breaking point when she experienced an intense episode of bleeding at SaiShree during the time of consultation. Doctors advised her to undergo a biopsy to uncover the cause of the alarming symptoms. The medical investigation led to a hysteroscopy, revealing that Suman was grappling with endometrial hyperplasia, a disorder characterized by irregular thickening of the uterine lining. If left untreated, this condition could potentially progress to cancer within 10 to 12 years.


saishree ivf december january case of the month

Taking charge of the situation, Dr. Girish Pote, a seasoned gynecologist at SaiShree Hospital, recommended the implantation of a device known as Mirena into Suman’s uterus.

The Mirena device, a hormonal intrauterine device (IUD), releases levonorgestrel, a synthetic form of the hormone progestin. This hormone works by thinning the uterine lining, reducing the likelihood of abnormal cell growth and promoting a healthier environment for potential conception.

The six-month-long placement aimed to address the endometrial hyperplasia creating a conducive environment for a potential pregnancy. Upon the removal of the Mirena device, a subsequent biopsy displayed a remarkable reversal of the previously diagnosed condition.

Emboldened by this positive development, the couple opted for in vitro fertilization (IVF) to fulfill their dream of having a child.

Six months ago, their perseverance bore fruit as Mrs. and Mr. Mendiratta welcomed a beautiful daughter into their lives, marking the end of a challenging journey to parenthood.

“Suman Mendiratta’s story serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of heeding warning signs our bodies communicate and seeking professional guidance promptly. Her initial reliance on medication to manage bleeding, unaware of the underlying complexities, highlights the silent battles many individuals face on their path to starting a family,” said Dr Pote.

The triumph of the Mendiratta family over adversity echoes a message of hope and resilience, urging others to prioritize their health and not underestimate the significance of early medical intervention, said Dr. Neeraj Adkar, founder-director of SaiShree Hospital in Pune.

Complied By – Umesh Isalkar